• ART HISTORY: We present art in a historical manner from cave-dwelling paintings, Medieval art, Renaissance art, and impressionistic to modern. The children are shown paintings and sculptures made throughout the history of art. Many of the projects are based on what they have learned in art history. Also, our art projects reflect the practical application of techniques learned in the classroom such as the proper use of scissors, gluing, making knots, stenciling, rubbing and perforating. The children, more often, create works of art using recycled and found materials.

  • MUSIC HISTORY: We present music in a historical manner from letting the children know that a long time ago humans used parts of their bodies and things around them to make rhythm and music. The children are exposed to different types of music from Medieval to Renaissance to Baroque to Romantic to Modern. Aside from this, the children are taught the different instruments of the orchestra.

  • MUSIC & MOVEMENT: The children are taught the rudiments of music. They are presented the musical bells, notation, reading notes and knowing the names of the symbols on the music sheet. They also are taught songs, musical rhythm and encouraged to write their own music.

  • CONVERSATIONAL ITALIAN: We teach the children the Italian alphabet, correct pronunciation, basic salutations and phrases/greetings in Italian. We also teach them Italian songs and poetry. In order to increase vocabulary in Italian, older children compose and write simple sentences. 

  • SHINRIN-YOKU ("Forest bathing"): Children should be given the opportunity to love and care for the Earth on which they live. Our approach to the care of the environment is that of a custodial or steward attitude towards the Earth. With this in mind, we take the children on a nature walk whenever possible. We do not believe in letting the children feel guilt or the negativity that is pervasive in media. If children feel the joy and the respect for their immediate environment and for the earth as whole, they will grow up wanting to preserve what they enjoyed as children.

    We put a strong emphasis on gardening, flower arranging, caring for plants and small animals, sewing and needlework. Art, music, movement and physical education are integrated subjects at Montessori School at Old Field. 


  • SUZUKI VIOLIN: The Suzuki Method is a method of teaching music founded by Shinichi Suzuki with the central belief that children are capable of learning from their environment including Music Education. He believed that children learn in the “right environment” which will let children learn how to play an instrument, read notes, learn tempo, rhythm and even compose music eventually. Most importantly, it will foster discipline, concentration and a love for music in your child. The school believes that Suzuki Violin lessons give a young child invaluable skills which builds self-confidence. To make this a successful endeavour, we need your cooperation and involvement. We need for you to attend the lessons and special events. We also need for you to encourage your child to practice every day even for only 10 minutes. Encourage your child to take care of the violin for it is not a toy and to take these lessons seriously. Above all, love what your child is able to do and rejoice in his/her accomplishments. The Suzuki Method is a great compliment to your child’s Montessori Education! 

  • CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD: We believe that God and the child have a unique relationship with one another particularly before the age of six and that the growth of this relationship should be assisted by the adult, but is directed by the Spirit of God within the child. Children need their own place to foster the growth of that relationship. We believe that the child's spiritual growth is best served through tangible but indirect means. This program was started in 1954 by Sofia Cavaletti and Gianna Gobbi and is considered the Montessori approach to religious education. 

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